
Bidogno-Monte Bar: what a race!

An idea that has become a reality - one late May afternoon during a training session in the mountains two friends came up with an idea.
Nicola Pfund
23.08.2020 11:37

The idea has since materialised and the run between the Scenic Trail Ticino and the Corriere del Ticino Group was in full force this weekend with Ticino running world the run was - 10 km from Bidogno to Capanna Monte Bar.

Its a demanding test of endurance where the first hurdle is managing the the 800 meters of altitude in the heat : those who over compensate pay the price in the end. The intensity of the terrain is tough.

However, the magnificence of the landscape at Monte Bar is stunning ‘It is a truly splendid test in an exceptional context’ were the first words full of enthusiasm from Patrizia Besomi, a well-known home athlete and great expert in endurance tests. She came second at the finish line just behind Claudia Riem.

It is also echoed by the absolute winner among men, Michele Belluschi from Figino-Serenza (CO), son of Elio, a great middle-distance runner active in the Eighties and also known by us for his many participations in Media Blenio. ‘I have never been here but I must say that the route is really very symbolic’.

Belluschi, who only a week ago finished third overall in the international test at Alpe d’Huez, closes in 46’11 ‘’, ahead of his compatriot Manuel Bonardi (50’36 ‘’). A former triathlete and cyclist, Bonardi had already been here but living an experience that was not entirely positive: four years ago, with his bike, he missed a downhill curve risking a lot. Today he is back as a hero and it was an opportunity for him to reconcile with the mountains.

Third at the finish is the nice 38 year old Venezuelan Jhonnathan Da Silva expert in ultra trails and who, passing through northern Italy, learned about the race only the day before thanks to Instagram. In the show the show, therefore, with many athletes from our home, over a hundred in all, including Alessandro Colombi, CEO of the Corriere del Ticino Group, who despite an enviable physical shape did not like the high temperatures: ‘I was expecting once under an hour or at least close to my personal training time of 1h02 ‘, but today the conditions were really too difficult’, said Colombi at the end of the effort.

‘I am happy to be here today and to have won even if in recent years I love to move around nature, but in a slower and more contemplative way, enjoying the landscape and taking pictures’. A more ‘slow’ sporting evolution where every now and then, however, there is also a competitive confrontation.

Even for Claudia Riem it takes a few minutes to recover. A little bit of liquids and then the smile and satisfaction return: «To compete, I recovered a pair of shoes for running on asphalt from about ten years ago ...», says smiling this athlete who boasts great career results , we only remember a second place at the Swiss Half Marathon Championships.